In this section you can buy MarketGlory game shares.
When the balance reaches 10,000 euro, you will receive 1 cent for each share you hold. You can sell and buy shares from other players. The gold balance is regularly exchanged in Euro.
Euros are added to the game fund balance whenever the citizens open companies or organizations, buy licenses, create jobs, upgrade companies or organizations, block referrals, have quick travels, exchange currencies on the Financial Market, withdraw money from the game etc.
There are also negative transactions in the Partners’ Fund. Whenever a user invests money in the game, 20% of the sum invested is withdrawn from the Partners’ Fund and distributed to the master of that user (10%) and to the government of the country where that user is registered (10%).

Partners – Transactions List
Whenever the citizens open companies or upgrades them, buy licenses, create jobs, block referrals, have a quick fight or a quick travel all payments are saved in shares fund. The Partners Fund Gold balance will be regularly exchanged in euro. When this fund riches 10.000 Euro, it is distributed to shareholders depending on the number of shares they own, 0.01 Euro/ share. Here you can see all the transactions in the Partners' fund.
Partners – Shares Market
Here are all the shares for sale. Their price is in Euro.
Partners – Shareholders
Here is a list of all the Shareholders, sorted by the number of shares they own.
Partners – My shares
Here is a list of your shares and you can put them for sale, on the Shares market.
MarketGlory is a online browser game strategy game in which you have the possibility to convert your virtual currency into real money click here to join now
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